Upcoming Samuel L. Jackson Movies We Can't Wait To See


Upcoming Samuel L. Jackson Movies We Can't Wait To See

There are few actors as recognizable as Samuel L. Jackson. From his collaborations with Quentin Tarantino to his voicework in animated movies to his roles in massive franchises like Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Samuel L. Jackson is as iconic as he is prolific. There's a good chance that if Samuel L. Jackson is on the screen, you're gonna have a good time, and fortunately for us, Samuel L. Jackson is on the screen a lot.

Last week, actor Samuel L. Jackson celebrated his 70th birthday, and despite his age, which frankly seems like a misprint, the actor shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, in a 2019 that is packed with huge titles, Samuel L. Jackson will walk the path of the righteous man with a whopping six movies coming to theaters. So here are all six of his 2019 movies that remind us that for Samuel L. Jackson, this party's far from over.

GlassSamuel L. Jackson is no stranger to franchises or comic book films, but in January the actor returns to a world that many thought we'd never see again. Nearly two decades removed from Unbreakable, Samuel L. Jackson's Elijah Price is back in M. Night Shyamalan's Glass. The conclusion of the Eastrail 177 trilogy finds Bruce Willis' David Dunn tracking James McAvoy's Wendell Crumb, who debuted in Split.

While those two engage in a series of encounters, the nefarious Mr. Glass, who postulated on the existence of real superhumans in the first film, acts as an evil mastermind behind the scenes. This eagerly anticipated comic book thriller offers something different from what we usually get in the superhero genre and allows Samuel L. Jackson to at long last return to one of his most memorable characters.Release Date: January 18th

The Last Full MeasureWhile Samuel L. Jackson's 2019 might be full of blockbusters and fantastical fare, he will also have a role in a film about a fascinating true story. The Last Full Measure is a war drama from writer-director Todd Robinson. The film tells the story of Air Force medic William H. Pitsenbarger who, during one of the most brutal battles of the Vietnam War, passed on a chance to leave and saved over 60 of his fellow soldiers' lives before losing his own.

The film will follow the decades-long efforts of William H. Pitsenbarger's father, his brothers in arms and an investigator to procure him the Congressional Medal of Honor for his extraordinary act of heroism. Samuel L. Jackson stars opposite an all-star cast, including a fellow MCU-er in Sebastian Stan, who plays investigator Scott Huffman. The Last Full Measure also stars Christopher Plummer, Alison Sudol, Bradley Whitford, Ed Harris, William Hurt and Jeremy Irvine as William H. Pitsenbarger.Release Date: TBD

Captain MarvelMinus the end-credits scene in Avengers: Infinity War, we haven't seen Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury in the MCU since Avengers: Age of Ultron. But although he sat out much of Phase 3, the spy is back in a big way for Captain Marvel. This time around, we will see Nick Fury as we've never seen him: long before his superhero recruiting days and back when he had binocular vision.

In Captain Marvel, Samuel L. Jackson's character will come in contact with Brie Larson's Carol Danvers, who will introduce him to a whole universe full of threats and possibilities, thus setting the course of his life's work. Nick Fury looks to be a big part of this movie, and in addition to him being a cat fan, we may even learn how he lost his eye. Captain Marvel is directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck.Release Date: March 8th

ShaftAnecdotally, it seems like Hollywood used to favor remakes to capitalize on nostalgia, but nowadays long-awaited sequels and reboot-quels seem to be more in vogue. Next year brings the continuation of a franchise that began in the '70s and came back in 2000. Shaft will see Samuel L. Jackson reprise his role as John Shaft II, a cool and badass NYPD detective that is the nephew of Richard Roundtree's Shaft from the 1971 blaxploitation film.

The 2019 Shaft will see the introduction of John Shaft Jr., the son of Samuel L. Jackson's character played by Jessie T. Usher. This film will supposedly feature more comedic elements and see the son of Shaft, a cybersecurity expert, seeking his estranged father's help when his friend dies under mysterious circumstances. The film will unite all three generations of Shaft actors, with Richard Roundtree returning. Tim Story directs and the film also stars Alexandra Shipp, Method Man and Regina Hall.Release Date: June 14th

Spider-Man: Far From HomeCaptain Marvel won't be Samuel L. Jackson's only MCU outing in 2019. The actor will again be playing Nick Fury in the present day, sans left eye, in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Nick Fury won't be the only spy showing up either, Cobie Smulders' Maria Hill will also be booking a ticket for Peter Parker's Eurotrip adventure.

This will mark Samuel L. Jackson's first appearance in a Sony MCU film, as well as Nick Fury's first onscreen interactions with Peter Parker. The two characters have a strong history and relationship in the comics, so it will be cool to see them finally together onscreen. Although we still don't know much about Spider-Man: Far From Home, we know that Spidey will be on vacation in Europe when he comes across Mysterio. Presumably Nick Fury and Maria Hill are also there on a mission and that's how they cross paths.Release Date: July 5th

The BankerSamuel L. Jackson teams up with another MCU alum, (they're everywhere) Anthony Mackie, for the true story The Banker. The two star as entrepreneurs who, in the 1950s, attempted to get around the racial biases and limitations of the day. To do so, they hired a working-class white man, played by Nicholas Hoult, to pose as the head of their business empire, while they pretended to be a janitor and a chauffeur.

The two became some of the most successful and wealthiest real estate owners in the country, but their success opened them and their subterfuge, up to greater scrutiny. It sounds like a meaty and fun role for Samuel L. Jackson and one that is different from the blockbuster roles we are used to seeing him in these days. This drama/thriller is directed by The Adjustment Bureau and Birth of the Dragon's George Nolfi and also stars Nia Long, Colm Meaney and Jessie T. Usher.Release Date: TBD

For these films and all of next year's biggest release dates, check out our 2019 release schedule.

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