Looks Like Avengers: Endgame Reshoots Also Include Hulk And War Machine


Looks Like Avengers: Endgame Reshoots Also Include Hulk And War Machine

Without a doubt, one of the most highly anticipated films of the year is Avengers: Endgame, the finale of this iteration of the MCU. Details on the blockbuster are still being kept under wraps, but we do know that the movie is currently undergoing reshoots. Various cast members have been spotted in Atlanta and one fan managed to snatch a photo with Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle, hinting that they are in town for reshoots.

While "reshoots" can tend to be seen as a negative word by film fans, it's a fairly standard practice for blockbuster films. Lots of studios will schedule reshoots or additional photography ahead of time in order to make sure that actors are available, and Marvel is no different. Marvel does reshoots for pretty much all of its films and that applies to Avengers: Endgame.

That said, we're only three months away from seeing the final product. Last we heard, the Russo Brothers wanted to be done by March. How much new material could they really be adding during this late post-production phase? We have no idea. This could be for something else entirely, to be honest, but it's something that got actors into their Marvel characters.

We've already seen some MCU actors report to Atlanta for Endgame reshoots -- including Zoe Saldana and Karen Gillan, and apparently Jeremy Renner. Now it looks like we can add Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle to the growing list. One happy fan was able to take a selfie with the two actors at Inman Park in Atlanta. Atlanta is where Marvel Studios films the majority of their movies, so it's probably not a coincidence to see two prominent MCU actors in the city together.

As fans well know by this point, Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle star as The Hulk and War Machine, respectively. Funny enough, the duo are two of the only actors to every be recast in the MCU. The Hulk was originally played by Edward Norton while Terrence Howard was War Machine. That's not super important, but it's a thing I like to point out whenever the two of them are paired together.

Of course, this duo also happens to be the one that spoiled the ending of Avengers: Infinity War months before the movie released. Loose Lips Ruffalo let it slip on Good Morning America that "everybody dies" in Infinity War and Don Cheadle was left to play defense. Luckily, everyone kind of forgot about that or didn't take it seriously and the two actors have joked about it since.

As to what the two of them could be filming for Endgame, I couldn't even begin to guess. Both characters are alive at the end of Infinity War but almost no plot details are known about Endgame. We'll all just have to wait until the next bit of footage arrives and hope that we can start piecing some clues together.

Thankfully, we won't have to wait that much longer for more details. Avengers: Endgame is all set to arrive in theaters on April 26, 2019. To learn as much as you can until then, here's what we know so far about the highly-anticipated blockbuster.

Met the hulk and war machine! from

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