Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Rate And Discuss With Spoilers


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Rate And Discuss With Spoilers

25 years ago, the world of Jurassic Park hit theaters for the first time, and summer blockbusters were never the same. Now, the fifth film in that respected pedigree, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, is released into the wild -- with a public hungry to see what happens next. However, there's so much that happens in this movie, especially in the later half, that it's impossible not to want to talk about what's been revealed. Which means it's a good thing that there's a Rate and Discuss column, for those folks that want to blab about this dino sized hit, but also want to do so in a safe environment.

Throughout the lead up to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's release, there's been an up and down flow in the critical community's opinion of the film. However, in our own official review, we said the following about our feelings towards the movie:

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a high class summer blockbuster, with some unexpected emotions, a heap of the action that one would expect from such a film, and a dash of surprisingly dark moments that folks have been waiting for since Michael Crichton's book first hit shelves.

Critics can say what they want, but it's up to you, the public, to make Rate And Discuss work as well as it does! With that in mind, we'd like to inspire you to start thinking about how much you enjoyed Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, so that you can share your feelings in the comments at the end. While doing so, keep in mind the following discussion questions surrounding the film's end product:

Were you surprised that the Isla Nublar plotline was only a first act concern?What new characters stood our as particularly impressive / annoying, if any, in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?Should they have cut that funny moment involving Danielle Pineda's Zia and her thoughts on Chris Pratt's Owen?Do you think the commercials give away too much of the film's plot to be able to fully enjoy it?How do you rank Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in the entire franchise's history?How do you rank the Indoraptor in the menagerie of dinosaurs presented in Jurassic Park / World history?Did you call the plot twist involving Maisie's disturbing origins?Would you have released the dinosaurs into the wild, much as Maisie did in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?Which Michael Giacchino score was better: Incredibles 2 or Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?

There's a lot to pour over with this film, but perhaps most important is the numerical rating for how much you enjoyed Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Using the thoughts you've now gathered in your quest to fully evaluate the film, rate the film on a traditional scale of 0 to 5. Naturally, you shouldn't forget to include your rating in the comments below, as well as your rationale for why you gave the film the score you did.

Before you head off into the woods, causing the panic and mayhem that'll set up Jurassic World 3, we've got out usual slew of additional reading for you to consider. Mainly, we've got a nice breakdown of the film's ending, and what it could do to set up the third instalment in the Jurassic World franchise. Also, if you're curious as to whether you should see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in 3D or not, take a look at our To 3D or Not To 3D evaluation. Last, but not least, we've got some fun stuff from the film's press day -- such as the classic movie monster that inspired the approach to the Indoraptor, and how Bryce Dallas Howard prepared for her role as Claire by drawing inspiration from the first Jurassic World. And you can listen to reactions to Fallen Kingdom on our official podcast, ReelBlend!

That's all we've got for the rate and discuss pertaining to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, but that doesn't mean we're done talking dinosaurs just yet. In fact, we've got a bit of a celebration of content so to speak, as we're making this weekend a Jurassic Weekend! So keep your eyes out for our post-release content, which will drop throughout the next couple of days and into next week. We'll see you around these parts on July 6th, when we jump back into the Marvel Cinematic Universe to rate and discuss Ant-Man And The Wasp!

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