Will Smith Shares Photo From First Day Working On Bad Boys 3


Will Smith Shares Photo From First Day Working On Bad Boys 3

They say don't believe it until you see it, and that phrase holds especially true when it comes to long-awaited films like The Crow reboot and Bill & Ted 3 that have seemed so close to happening, only to not. One similarly long-awaited film is Bad Boys 3, and if you need visual confirmation that this film is really happening, look no further than Will Smith, who has shared a photo from the first day of work on the film.

So it's not a trailer or a production still, but it is visual evidence that sixteen years after Bad Boys 2, the third film in this franchise is actually happening. The film is still in pre-production but this picture of copies of the script proves that this isn't just a fan hope or film in some nascent stage of development, but something that is actually moving forward and has a script to work with.

It's exciting for fans of the franchise eager to see more of the action-packed and humorous adventures of Will Smith's Mike Lowery and Marin Lawrence's Marcus Burnett. In his Instagram post, Will Smith promises to keep fans posted on the third film in the franchise. Bad Boys 3 will go by the moniker Bad Boys For Lif3, which I guess means the also announced fourth film will be called Bad Boys 4 Ever, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The previous two films in the action-comedy franchise were directed by Michael Bay, but things will be a little different this time around with directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah taking over behind the camera. The script for Bad Boys For Lif3, which you see above, is the work of Chris Bremner, Peter Craig and former director Joe Carnahan.

According to Production Weekly, Bad Boys For Lif3 will follow the Miami PD's elite AMMO team, which has been tasked with bringing down a drug cartel led by Jacob Scipio's Armando Armas. This kingpin is out to kill Will Smith's Mike Lowery. Complicating matters further is the fact that the head of the AMMO unit is Rite, Mike's former girlfriend, played by Paoloa Nuez.

What the description does not say, but is all but guaranteed is that Bad Boys For Lif3 will also be full of explosions, car chases, gun fights, witty one-liners and hilarious banter between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence's detectives.

Also attached to the film are Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Charles Melton and Joe Pantoliano, who will reprise his role as Captain Howard from the first two films.

Bad Boys For Lif3 doesn't come out until January 17, 2020, but there is a full year of great films to hold you over in the meantime. Check them out in our 2019 release schedule.

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