Red Sparrow Rate And Discuss With Spoilers


Red Sparrow Rate And Discuss With Spoilers

If you've been waiting for a spy thriller to make big news at the box office again, you're in luck with this weekend's Red Sparrow. The Jennifer Lawrence / Joel Edgerton starring espionage flick is going to try and give Black Panther a run for its money, and audiences might be willing to give it a shot. But of course, when you've got a new movie trying to make headlines, there's going to be a lot of discussion around it.

Which is totally our cue to welcome you to another weekend's round of Rate and Discuss -- the place where you, the audience, give us your honest feedback on the big ticket contenders of the week. It certainly looks like an interesting road ahead for Red Sparrow, as critical reaction seems to be a slightly mixed bag. Though the consensus seems to follow closely to what our official review had to say about the film, which was the following:

Red Sparrow isn't nearly as smart as it thinks it is, but it's maybe just smart enough to keep an audience entertained.

Of course, you might have some differing thoughts regarding Red Sparrow's quality, and we want to hear from what you thought about the film! With that in mind, we'd like you to consider the following discussion questions as you give us your opinion in the Comments below:

How long did it take you to find out the true identity of MARBLE?If you've read the book, how well do you feel the film adapted Red Sparrow from page to screen?Do you think Red Sparrow ranks among Jennifer Lawrence's greatest performances?Does Red Sparrow have you hoping that the following two books, Palace of Treason and The Kremlin's Candidate, will be adapted into their own films?Would Red Sparrow have worked better as a TV series?Some people are comparing Red Sparrow to the work of Paul Verhoeven. Do you agree / disagree with this assessment, and why?

Questions out of the way, it's time rate Red Sparrow on the traditional scale of 0 to 5, with 0 being dead in the water and 5 being a triumph of cinema. Log your rating in the poll below, and don't forget to share your comments on why you feel the film should be rated accordingly!

Before we leave, we'd like to suggest some further reading for you to consider before completing your evaluation of Red Sparrow. In particular, there's some interesting tidbits about how Jennifer Lawrence decided to do her first nude scene for the film, as well as her particular fast food cravings during the film's production. Though if you're one of those people who's kind of over the phenomenon known as J. Law, she has a special message for you as well. Last, but not least, what discussion about Red Sparrow would be complete without addressing the Black Widow in the room, as director Francis Lawrence (no relation) recently gave his feelings on how he sees the comparison between his film and the Marvel character played by Scarlett Johansson.

That's enough homework for this week. Go out there, see Black Widow... er, Red Sparrow, and come back ready to chat! We'll see you back here at CinemaBlend for another Rate and Discuss next Friday, when we'll be discussing A Wrinkle In Time.

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