Tommy Wiseau's Best F(r)iends Trailer Is Ominous And Super Weird


Tommy Wiseau's Best F(r)iends Trailer Is Ominous And Super Weird

It's all coming up Tommy Wiseau lately. The Disaster Artist, which chronicles the making of the infamous The Room, released in theaters last year to much publicity and critical attention. The film even managed to snag a Golden Globe along the way. It's Oscar dreams didn't pan out, but Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero aren't letting their moment in the spotlight fade too quickly. Taking advantage of their mainstream attention, the duo has a new movie coming out called Best F(r)iends, which puts the pair together again 15 years after the release of The Room. Check out the trailer for their latest movie.

Best F(r)iends stars Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero as best friends and also best fiends, I guess. The movie follows a drifter (Sestero) who is picked up by an odd mortician (Wiseau). The two begin a friendship and partnership that takes them to some dark places, eventually leading to lots of money, dead clowns, and people on fire-- at least judging by the trailer. Best F(r)iends certainly looks better shot than The Room was and though there aren't any jokes in the trailer, it is classified as a black comedy. There's a big wacky, ridiculous vibe to the whole thing, and I'm definitely curious to see what people will think of the film. The movie was written by Sestero and directed by Justin MacGregor.

While it's nice to see Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero together again onscreen after 15 years, I have a hard time believing that this will reach the levels of cult infamy that The Room did. The whole point of The Room is that it wasn't meant to be a comedy, and all the hilarity in how awful it is wasn't intentional. Replicating that energy intentionally is next to impossible. There are just too many jokes and quirks that took off from The Room for a follow up to be anywhere near as enjoyable.

Plus, Tommy Wiseau was a huge reason for The Room being the way it is. He only stars in Best F(r)iends, so his directorial weirdness could be missing from the movie. The Room is as interesting as it is because of the unfiltered Wiseau. It all depends on if the makers of Best F(r)iends were trying to just make The Room 2 or something different. We'll see what happens.

We'll see if Best F(r)iends finds it's way to the midnight circuit soon enough. The movie is set to release in select theaters soon, but it will be broken up and released in two volumes Kill Bill style. The first volume airs on March 30 and April 2, while volume two debuts June 1 and June 4. For more movies releasing in theaters this year, hit up our 2018 movie release guide.

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