Deleted Captain Marvel Scene Shows Yon-Rogg And The Supreme Intelligence


Deleted Captain Marvel Scene Shows Yon-Rogg And The Supreme Intelligence

Just like in the Marvel Comics universe, the Kree homeworld, Hala, is ruled by the Supreme Intelligence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unlike in the comics, the MCUs Supreme Intelligence appears differently to those who appear before it, taking the form of the person said individual admires most.

We never saw Carol Danvers Starforce mentor, Yon-Rogg, interact with the Supreme Intelligence in the finalized cut of Captain Marvel, but directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck revealed to CinemaBlends own Eric Eisenberg last month that there was a deleted scene where Yon-Rogg appeared before the Intelligence, and it looked just like him. Now you can watch that scene below.

In case it wasnt obvious watching Captain Marvel that Yon-Rogg is a narcissist, this deleted scene from Disney Movies hammers that home, although the Supreme Intelligence opts to rock gray hair rather as opposed to Yon-Roggs brown. It is fun, though, to see Jude Law playing both roles in that scene, one character chewing the other out for his failure with Carol Danvers, known among the Kree as Vers.

Yon-Rogg has dedicated his entire life to serving the Kree empire, but the Supreme Intelligence makes it clear that it doesnt approve of some of his actions, like executing Dr. Wendy Lawson, a.k.a. Mar-Vell (who Carol when visiting the Supreme Intelligence, though she recognize that form due to her memory loss) and failing to retrieve the core, a.k.a. the Tesseract, years earlier. Throw in that Carol has recently been separated from Starforce and is learning about her past on Earth, and Yon-Rogg is definitely not on good standing with the Supreme Intelligence.

We know Yon-Rogg craves control, so for him to beg for his life just goes to show just how powerful the Supreme Intelligence is. Feeling generous, the Intelligence decides to give Yon-Rogg one more chance, instructing him to bring the Tesseract and Carol (alive, not dead) back to Hala. So at the end of this scene, Yon-Rogg has renewed hope and is determined to set things right.

Unfortunately for him, Captain Marvel ends with a fully-powered Carol Danvers laying the smackdown on him and the rest of Starforce before they can eliminate the Skrull refugees. Before sending Yon-Rogg back to Hala, Carol told him to tell the Supreme Intelligence that shes coming back to the Kree homeworld to end the war, the lies, all of it.

Considering how disappointed the Supreme Intelligence was in Yon-Rogg in this deleted scene, you can bet that itll be even angrier that he returned to Hala with nothing but a threat from the individual Yon-Rogg was supposed to bring back. With so much failure on the record, you can imagine the Intelligence either executing Yon-Rogg or dispensing a severe punishment he has to live through.

Theres no official word yet on Captain Marvel 2 yet, though given that it was met with a solid amount of positive reception and made over $1.1 billion worldwide, its a safe bet that Marvel will eventually move forward with a sequel. Its unclear if it would take place in the decades between Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame or post-Endgame, but ideally it explores Carol going back to Hala to overthrow the Supreme Intelligence. Whether or not Yon-Rogg would factor into that story is to be determined.

Captain Marvel is now available on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD, and you can also see Carol Danvers in Avengers: Endgame, which is winding down its time in theaters. If youre curious about what MCU movies are on the way, look through our handy guide.

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