A Gynecologist Offered Her Take On Fifty Shades Of Grey's Ice Cream Scene


A Gynecologist Offered Her Take On Fifty Shades Of Grey's Ice Cream Scene

Fifty Shades Freed hit theaters this winter, and many of its biggest moments have already been discussed and dissected on the interwebs. We've talked about Ana's amazing wedding dress, as well as Red Room shenanigans, but there's one very memorable Fifty Shades Scene that wasn't broken down until a gynecologist got into the conversation. Recently, published author and Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause director Lauren Streicher was asked about Ana's health when she and Christian were getting kinky with some ice cream. If you've ever wondered if that's the sort of thing that is safe to try at home, Lauren Streicher, M.D., has a take. She said:

Let me start by saying that this has never been studied in any kind of a scientific study. But in general, we don't put food in the vagina. Theoretically, could that throw off her normal flora and cause an infection? Absolutely. It's sugar and milk, things that do not go in the vagina. But will that happen with a one-time thing? Who knows. The answer is: I don't know, but in general, I'd say don't put food in someone's vagina.

Fans of E.L. James' Fifty shades universe know a lot about "having fun, with food." In the books Christian and Ana get out a pint of vanilla Ben & Jerrys in Fifty Shades Darker. However, on the big screen, we had to wait for the third movie, Fifty Shades Freed, before Christian got his ice cream and Ana moment. Much of the ice cream was used on the outside of her body, but there is a moment when Christian licks ice cream off of his wife and then decides to go down on her (and later have sex on the table), in what I would presume would be a bit of a sticky mess in real life, and isn't being advised here.

In her interview with Vulture, Lauren Streicher also revealed that if Christian had taken things a step further and pushed the spoon into Ana, that would also not have been an activity the doctor would ever suggest.

Cutlery is not good in the vagina. Particularly knives and forks would be frowned upon. A spoon is a little different. If, for example, a gynecologist put a spoon in the vagina, that'd be fine, because we would know how to put a spoon in the vagina without causing an injury. As a sweeping generalization, I'd say cutlery would be frowned upon in the gynecologic world.

On the bright side, if you are one of the people in this population who is lactose intolerant, have ice cream thrust into your private parts wouldn't make you sick like ingesting ice cream would, so that's a real win. If you want to recreate your own fun with food, just remember that the Fifty Shades series is fiction, and use these handy guidelines to have fun in a way that won't cause you any problems down the road.

For more info on tough Fifty Shades sex scenes to film, head here. In addition, Fifty Shades Freed is available on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital, now.

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