James Gunn Thanks Fans After Being Reinstated For Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3


James Gunn Thanks Fans After Being Reinstated For Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3

It's a very exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Phase Three has been on a roll, as every single installment in the massive franchise has been a critical and box office success. With Captain Marvel officially in theaters, anticipation for Avengers: Endgame is at an all-time high, as the massive blockbuster will arrive in a month. But today brought some unexpected (but still exciting) news: Disney has reinstated James Gunn as the director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

James Gunn was fired by Disney in July, when offensive tweets from a decade resurfaced. While Gunn apologized for jokes that were in poor taste, he was removed from the Guardians franchise, and production for the Vol. 3 was put on indefinite hold. But now the Guardians of the Galaxy visionary will return to complete his trilogy as planned, and recently posted a note of thanks on Twitter. It read:

I am tremendously grateful to every person out there who has supported me over the past few months. I am always learning and will continue to work at being the best human being I can be. I deeply appreciate Disneys decision and I am excited to continue making films that investigate the ties of love that bind us all. I have been, and continue to be incredibly humbled by your love and support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Love you all.

It seems James Gunn is truly grateful to be back behind the camera for the upcoming Guardians threequel. As such, he's taking the time to thank the fans, as well as the House of Mouse for welcoming him back to the fan favorite franchise. In short: we are Groot.

James Gunn's recent tweet of thanks is a truly full circle moment, since it was his social media account that caused massive controversy, and eventually led to his firing. But it seems that his apology and fan outcry did some good, given his reinstation as the director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

It was unclear if the threequel was ever going to be produced, as the task of finding someone to replace James Gunn seemed impossible. Gunn's point of view is very much apart of the bloodline of the franchise, as his taste of music, dance moves, and sense of humor were all incorporated into the first two movies. While some fans suggested who might take the job, many believed that there was only one person capable of finishing the trilogy: James Gunn himself.

The Guardians of the Galaxy cast hasn't commented on James Gunn returning to the franchise, but it seems only a matter of time. While they all penned a letter supporting Gunn in the wake of his departure, Dave Bautista was arguably his biggest defender. In fact, Bautista maintained he wouldn't appear as Drax unless (at the very least) Gunn's original draft for the Vol. 3 was used.

It's unclear when Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will arrive in theaters, as its indicated that James Gunn will write and direct The Suicide Squad for DC before hopping back over to Marvel. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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