Bad Boys For Life Is Finally Filming, According To Will Smith


Bad Boys For Life Is Finally Filming, According To Will Smith

Sometimes, you just can't keep a good sequel down. Just ask Will Smith, who's taken to social media yet again to announce that yes, Bad Boys For Life is about to go into production. And he couldn't have made the announcement with a better photo and caption combo than the one you'll see below.

Just when you thought Bad Boys For Life would never get off the ground, Smith has officially announced that the long-awaited third film in the Bad Boys series has finally started filming. Even better is the fact that he and Martin Lawrence met up over the weekend, and prepared for the occasion in the best way possible: by rewatching Bad Boys and Bad Boys II.

With directors Adil El Arbi and Bilal Fallah taking up the mantle from the various talents that previously vacated the director's chair, Bad Boys For Life, or rather, Bad Boys For Lif3 as the recently spotted script spells it, is finally taking off into principal photography. And it feels like it couldn't have happened a moment too soon.

Now's a good time to mention the fact that Bad Boys For Lif3 is slated for a January 17, 2020 release date, so the fact that filming is starting today is a good sign that the movie will be able to make said date. Though if it had to be pushed back a bit, it probably wouldn't be as bad as when the film was previously bumped from its various homes between 2017 and 2020. Not to jinx it or anything, but big budget action films sometimes run into the strangest, and most unexpected delays.

For the longest time, Bad Boys For Lif3 had been a dark prospect that looked ripe for cancellation. Looking at Will Smith's Instagram post announcing the beginning of production tells a different story though, and you can see it in the smiles of himself and his co-star. If there was ever a time the world was ready for a Bad Boys sequel, this is that moment.

Should this film be as big of hit as all involved are hoping, it'll be interesting to see how far along the previous development on Bad Boys 4 had gotten before the plug was pulled, and how long it'll take to get another sequel off the ground. Here's hoping it's not another 17-year dry spell like this last time.

Bad Boys For Lif3 is slated for theaters on January 17, 2020. You might get some Bad Boys adjacent action a little earlier than that, as the Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba-centric spin-off show L.A.'s Finest was in development for a while before being passed on, although that could be subject to change.

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